Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Easter (from Hebrew: Pesach)

Easter (Latin pascha, from Hebrew: Pesach) in Christianity is the annual commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who conquered the New Testament as the Son of God for death.

Since the saving events were, according to the Bible in a Passover week, determined the date of this movable feast main Jewish also the date of Easter: Easter falls on the Sunday after the first spring full moon, in the Gregorian calendar that is on or after the 22nd March and no later than 25 April.

In the early church Easter was celebrated as the unit of memory of suffering and resurrection in the Easter celebration ("Vollpascha"). From the 4th Century was the most important festival in the church year as a three-day celebration (Triduum paschale) unfolds historicizing. The services cover since in most of the liturgies of the celebration of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday evening - the eve of Good Friday - the Holy Saturday, the day the grave silence of the Lord until the dawn of the new week on Easter Sunday.

This begins the joy of Easter time ("Easter"), the fifty takes days until Pentecost. In the Middle Ages evolved from the original separate Ostertriduum Triduum, which took off the first three days of the Octave of the rest of the celebration week. Later this non-working period was shortened until only the Easter Monday was retained as a public holiday.

The common name in the German Easter is old origin, and is probably the direction "East together": the place of the rising sun is in Christianity as a symbol of the risen and returning Jesus Christ. Many Easter customs are non-Christian ("pagan") origin.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostern

See Also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist, Florist

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